Best Universities in Paris for Indian Students

Best Universities in Paris for Indian Students

Are you thinking of studying in Paris? Finding the best university can be a challenging and time-consuming process. This blog post will tell you about some of the best universities in Paris for Indian students. We will tell you about top-notch universities, admission requirements, eligibility criteria, and tuition fees.

Why study in Paris?

why study in paris

Studying in Paris can be a unique and enriching experience for international students, as Paris provides a special mix of top-notch education, cultural experiences, and a lavish lifestyle.

Here are some of the top reasons to study in Paris:

  • World-class education: Paris is home to some of the best universities in the world, such as PSL and Sorbonne University. These universities offer high-quality, top-ranked programs in a wide range of fields.
  • Language advantage: As many programs are offered in English, studying in Paris allows you to learn and improve your local language. As it will help you communicate with local people and your professors.
  • Professional development: A degree from a Parisian University will give you an extra edge in the job market, as employers worldwide respect it.This will open doors to exciting career opportunities in France or elsewhere: Paris is a hub of art, fashion, history, and culture. There are some world-renowned museums like the Louvre and iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower; the city provides countless chances to dive deep into its culture.

Studying in Paris will provide you with a unique blend of academics, cultural immersion, and personal growth, which makes it an ideal destination for many international students who want to pursue their education there.

Best universities in Paris

Paris can be a dream study-abroad destination for many international students, and Indian students are no exception. Paris is a hub of prestigious universities known for their academic excellence, research contributions, and cultural significance.

Here are some of the famous universities in Paris for Indian students:

PSL (Paris Sciences Et Lettres) University

PSL (Paris Sciences Et Lettres) University is one of the best universities in Paris for Indian students

PSL is one of the best universities in Paris, resulting from the merger of several prestigious universities. It provides education driven by research conducted in its labs and promotes dialogue and cross-disciplinary collaboration across its schools.

This university was established in 2010 by merging 11 renowned institutions, bringing together some of France’s top schools in various disciplines.

PSL prioritises research in diverse areas. Students gain valuable experience through involvement in advanced research initiatives and partnerships across different fields. This cross-disciplinary method encourages creativity and enhances problem-solving abilities.

PSL provides various humanities, sciences, engineering, social sciences, fine arts, and performing arts programs. These programs allow students to explore multiple academic fields and engage in distinctive interdisciplinary studies.

With 17,000 students and 2,900 researchers, it’s a university where you will stay aware of the crowd. It offers vibrant student life, as the university is spread across various campuses in Central Paris, including the historic Latin Quarter. Thus, you can easily access multiple iconic landmarks and museums of Paris.

This university ranks #24 in the QS World University Rankings 2024, #2 in Europe University Rankings- Western Europe, #15 in the QS WUR Ranking by Subject, and #196 in the QS Sustainability Rankings.

It offers ten undergraduate programs and 53 postgraduate programs.


Undergraduate programs are highly selective, aiming to admit skilled students from various backgrounds and help them reach their potential for success. 

The university offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD programs in various disciplines. Here are some of them:

Undergraduate programs

There are two programs in Arts and Humanities:

Actor training program

It is one of the prestigious programs through the Conservatoire National Supérieur d’Art Dramatique (CNSAD), a renowned drama school and one of the top acting schools in France.

It is a three-year (36 months) undergraduate program. It focuses more on high technical and artistic standards while providing students with the tools to develop their practical, technical and theoretical knowledge as actors.

The first year combines different subjects, such as singing, dancing, acting, and more. It’s all about learning and having fun together to discover how everyone can contribute to making art as a group.

The second year starts with a month of particular classes. After that, students focus on each subject regularly, aiming to learn more and go deeper into each one.

In the third year, students mainly focus on creating art. They work in workshops led by visiting artists or school teachers and follow professional production timelines and conditions.

The CNSAD curriculum provides a well-rounded  education in acting,  encompassing:

  • Acting techniques
  • Voice and movement training
  • Stage combat
  • History of theatre
  • Dramatic analysis
  • Playwriting
Multidisciplinary Undergraduate degree (CPES)

The CPES is a three-year program for students who want to learn about many subjects before choosing a speciality.

It is a demanding and selective program in a unique scientific and cultural environment backed by some of France’s most prestigious schools.

Interdisciplinarity: This means mixing different subjects, such as science, literature, and social sciences, to create new and unique study paths that help you specialise step by step.

Diversity: This includes people from different backgrounds, places, ideas, and cultures. Being open to this diversity can lead to new ideas, innovation, and creativity.

Here are some other details:

  • This course ranked at #47 in QS Subject Rankings.
  • Program duration: 36 months
  • Scholarships are also available for this course. 
  • Main subject area: Classic and Ancient History
  • Study mode: On-Campus
  • Degree: BA

There are two programs in Business and Management:


This course lets you learn about management in detail and explore its central topics. 

The third year in Business and Management is a general program about management. You can study it in Paris, London, and Tunis and get a double degree from Goethe University in Frankfurt.

Program objectives
Program Goals:
  • Learn about various business areas like accounting, finance, and marketing.
  • Gain additional skills like using numbers and speaking different languages.
  • Develop a curious and critical view of business and organisations, understanding current management trends.
  • Build essential work skills like teamwork, adaptability, and communication.
  • Set personal career goals and learn about professional standards and expectations.

Here are some other details:

  • This course ranked at #125 in QS Subject Rankings.
  • Program duration: 36 months
  • Scholarships are also available for this course. 
  • Main subject area: Business and management studies
  • Study mode: On-Campus
  • Degree: BA
Double Bachelor’s degree – Artificial Intelligence and Organizational Sciences

Artificial intelligence and big data are reshaping the way businesses operate. To prepare future students for these changes and for using new digital tools, Université Paris Dauphine—PSL has started this double Bachelor’s degree in “Artificial Intelligence and Organizational Sciences.”

It is a multidisciplinary program that combines economics, management, mathematics, data science, computer science, and English.

After three years, you’ll get two diplomas: one in applied economics and another in organisational computer science. With these, you can join many Master’s programs at the university.

Here are some other details:

  • This course ranked at #51-70 in QS Subject Rankings.
  • Program duration: 36 months
  • Scholarships are also available for this course. 
  • Main subject area: Data science and artificial intelligence
  • Study mode: On-Campus
  • Degree: BA

There is one single program in engineering and technology, which is a bachelor’s in organisational computer science.

The Bachelor’s in Organizational IT teaches you about information technology and its workings. You’ll learn how to analyse complex systems and manage business tasks. This program focuses on getting you ready for a job. You’ll also do an internship and need to know two modern languages as part of the course.

Program Goals:
  1. Build a strong foundation in IT by studying math, economics, and management together.
  2. Learn about algorithms and programming languages like Python, Java, and C, as well as databases, networks, and various IT tools like PHP, HTML, and Excel.
  3. Develop skills in making better decisions and optimising processes, along with economic and financial modelling.
  4. Improve English skills with language courses each semester.
  5. Learn to collaborate in teams through group projects.
  6. Enhance written and spoken communication through courses on communication techniques and project presentations.
  7. Boost understanding of economics and finance for future jobs and to grasp vital economic issues as informed citizens.

There are two programs in Natural Sciences:

Bachelor’s – Applied Mathematics

The Bachelor’s in Applied Mathematics teaches you about math, like optimisation, probabilities, and statistics. You’ll also learn basic math in other areas and can choose extra economics, finance, and IT classes.

This degree is popular among finance, marketing, and big data companies. However, after this program, you can continue studying applied math at a higher level or even do a PhD.

Program goals:
  • Learn mainly about math, with optional economics, finance, and computer science classes.
  • Gain skills needed for jobs in the service industry.
  • Get a chance to work on digital projects.
Bachelor’s – Sustainability Sciences

PSL’s new bachelor’s program in sustainability sciences teaches students to understand the complex issues of sustainable development. It covers science, politics, society, culture, and tech solutions. 

The goal is to wait to make experts but to give students the correct thinking skills. They can then continue studying at top French or international universities for higher degrees, keeping the good study habits they learned as undergraduates.

There are two programs in Social Sciences and Management:

  • Bachelor’s – Applied Economics

The Bachelor’s degree in Applied Economics prepares you for jobs in economics, finance, international affairs, and development. 

This program provides a solid economic foundation and offers specialised classes taught by experts from universities and industry. 

You’ll learn in-depth about economics and get hands-on training with tools used in economic jobs.

Program Goals:

  1. Learn forecasting, optimisation, quantitative methods, statistical tools, and software used in economics.
  2. Build skills to analyse and assess situations effectively.
  3. Enhance your writing and speaking abilities in English and French.
  4. Gain experience working alone and in teams, networking professionally, and managing projects.
  • Bachelor’s- Law

The Law Bachelor’s program is for students who want to study law. It offers quality teaching from Dauphine-PSL’s professors, strong connections with professionals, smaller classes, and seminars.

Program Goals:

  1. Learn about key topics in management.
  2. Train legal experts in both private and public law, including “Common Law,” and introduce them to other fields.
  3. Encourage students to think independently and understand legal issues practically, considering economic and international factors.
  4. Provide a legal perspective from political science, sociology, and economics, focusing on managing local, national, European, and global public decisions and their impact on society and the economy.
  • Bachelor’s in Social Sciences

The Bachelor’s in Social Science is a mix of different subjects worldwide. You’ll start with basic lessons in theory and methods for two years. Then, in the third year, you’ll focus more on specific subjects like Sociology, Political Science, Public Policy, and Economics.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  1. Learn both types of methods used in social sciences: numbers-based and descriptive.
  2. Dive deeper into sociology, politics, economics, history, and law.
  3. Get better at speaking English and have opportunities to study abroad.
  4. Get ready for consulting, public or private sector jobs, or continue studying in universities.
Master’s programs

PSL master’s degrees are selective and cross-disciplinary, as it offer programs in various disciplines like: 

Life Sciences, Digital Humanities, Cognitive Science, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Quantitative Economics, Art History, or Human Resources Management.

Here is the list of 11 courses offered in the Arts and Humanities discipline:

  • Acting and directing
  • ENS – PSL Graduate Degree (Sciences & Humanities)
  • Master’s – Art History and Archaeology
  • Master’s – Asian studies
  • Master’s – Civilizations, Culture and Society
  • Master’s – Digital Humanities
  • Master’s – Digital Technologies Applied to History
  • Master’s – Humanities
  • Master’s – Philosophy
  • Master’s – Religious Sciences and Societies
  • Masters’ – Fashion and Materials

Here is the list of 10 courses offered in business and management discipline:

  • Master’s – Accounting, Control, Auditing
  • Master’s – Control, Auditing, Financial Reporting
  • Master’s – Finance
  • Master’s – Human Resources Management
  • Master’s – Information Systems, Networks and Digital Technology
  • Master’s – International Affairs and Development
  • Master’s – Management and Organizations
  • Master’s – Management of innovation
  • Master’s – Marketing and Strategy
  • Master’s – Wealth Management

Here is the list of 6 courses offered in engineering and technology discipline:

  • Engineering at ESPCI Paris – PSL
  • Engineering at MINES Paris – PSL
  • Engineering at École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris – PSL
  • Master’s – Computer Sciences
  • Master’s – Materials Science and Engineering
  • Master’s – Nuclear Energy

Here is the list of 3 courses offered in life sciences and medicine discipline:

  • Master’s – BioMedical Engineering
  • Master’s – Cognitive Science
  • Master’s – Life Sciences

Here is the list of 7 courses offered in the natural sciences discipline:

  • Master’s – Chemistry
  • Master’s – Earth and Planetary Science, Environment
  • Master’s – Energy
  • Master’s – Integrative Chemistry & Innovation
  • Master’s – Mathematics and Applications
  • Master’s – Physics

Here is the list of 10 courses offered in social sciences and management:

  • Master’s – Analysis and Policy in Economics
  • Master’s – Economics and Finance
  • Master’s – Health Economics and Management
  • Master’s – Institutions, Organizations, Economics and Society
  • Master’s – Journalism
  • Master’s – Law
  • Master’s – Public Policies
  • Master’s – Public Policy and Development
  • Master’s – Quantitative Economics
  • Master’s – Social Sciences
PhD programs

University offers programs in two disciplines:

  • Life Sciences and Medicine: PhD track – Life Sciences
  • Natural sciences
  1. PhD track – Astrophysics
  2. PhD track – Chemistry
  3. PhD track – Earth Sciences & Biodiversity
  4. PhD track – Mathematics and Applications
  5. PhD track – Physics

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Institut Polytechnique de Paris one of the best universities in Paris for Indian students who want to pursue their academic abroad

It is one of the best universities in Paris of science and technology, encompassing five prestigious French engineering schools:

  • Ecole Polytechnique
  • ENSTA Paris
  • ENSAE Paris
  • Telecom Paris
  • Telecom SudParis

This university ranks #2 in Paris and #=38 in QS World University Rankings 2024. It offers over 69 postgraduate programs and scholarships for international students that will help you study at this university.

Masters Program

Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers Master’s courses in basic and practical sciences with a global perspective across various areas.

It offers 14 master programs to international students; here is the list:

  • Applied Mathematics & Statistics
  • Biology & Health  
  • Chemistry 
  • Computer Science    
  • Design 
  • Economics 
  • Electrical Engineering Science  
  • Energy 
  • Innovation Industry & Society   
  • Mathematics & Applications   
  • Mechanics 
  • Nuclear Energy   
  • Physics  
  • Sociology

Entry Requirements: You can apply for a Master’s degree if you have finished a bachelor’s degree in science, engineering, economics, and social sciences.

Tuition Fees: The cost for a Master’s program can be as low as €243 per year or as high as €6,243 per year, depending on the program and where you’re from. Note that the Nuclear Energy Master’s program has different fees.

PhD Track (Integrated Master and PhD Program)

This five-year program combines a Master’s and PhD for students who are sure they want to do a scientific PhD after their Master’s. It’s for top students and gives them special training and chances to work in labs. They can also focus on their thesis topic over time. A well-known professor guides each student’s work.

  • Advanced Materials
  • Life Sciences
  • Chemistry and Interfaces
  • Computer Science
  • Data & Artificial Intelligence
  • Economics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Energy for Climate
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanics
  • Physics
  • Quantum Science and Technologies (QUANTIX)

Entry Requirements: To join the PhD program, You must have completed a bachelor’s degree in science, engineering, economics, or social sciences to join the Ph.D. program.

Fees: If you’re in the PhD program, you won’t have to pay for the 2-year master’s course. You only need to pay €243 each year. The top students might get scholarships based on their merit.

PhD Programs

They have three-year PhD programs in many different subjects. Students do their research in 30 labs, which are top-notch places for science. PhD students can work with big companies that are technology leaders or famous research organisations in France and internationally, like CNRS, INRIA, CEA, and ONERA.

  • Biology and Chemistry
  • Computing, Data and Artificial Intelligence
  • Economics, Management, and Social Sciences
  • Information, Communications, Electronics
  • Engineering, Mechanics and Energy
  • Physics
  • Mathematics

Entry requirements: PhD applicants are required to have completed a master’s degree in the field of their thesis subject.

Registration fees are €380 per year. The host laboratory will provide a research fellowship.

Engineering programs (Cycles Ingenieurs)

Each Institut Polytechnique de Paris department offers a 3-year (or 4-year) Engineering course. International students who have completed at least two years of college can take a strict entrance test.

The school gives you a flexible education with a mix of science and tech subjects, at which Institut Polytechnique de Paris is best. You’ll work closely with businesses and research labs and learn about management, law, economics, and social sciences.

Entry Requirement: You must have completed at least two years of a science or engineering bachelor’s degree to join an engineering program.

Fees: International students pay between €1,850 and €12,600 per year. The cost depends on the school and whether the student is from Europe. Through special agreements, you might get discounts or even study for free.

Sorbonne University

Sorbonne University is  one of the best universities in Paris for Indian students

Sorbonne University is another of the best universities in Paris, with a long history since the 13th century. It’s known for its programs in arts, humanities, law, medicine, and more.

The university provides excellent learning chances for its 53,400 students to help them succeed in their personal and career goals. 

They offer programs in one subject or two subjects or mix different subjects. Of its students, 10,200 come from other countries, and 4,400 are doing advanced research. The university gives diverse and unique opportunities in many fields with its three leading schools.

This university ranks #3 in Paris and #59 in QS World University Rankings 2024.

Here are some of the bachelor’s and master’s programs offered by this university:

Arts, languages, humanities and social sciences

The Arts and Humanities department continues a tradition of sharing knowledge about people and culture. 

You can choose from many bachelor’s and master’s programs in literature, languages, arts, and social sciences. The department also offers continuing education courses.

Medicine and health professions

This will train you to become doctors and other health experts from the first year to advanced levels. 

They offer different diplomas like DES, DESC, DU, and DIU. 

Students mainly study at La Pitié-Salpêtrière and Saint-Antoine, which has a midwifery program. The school also teaches other healthcare subjects, such as speech therapy, physical therapy, and eye care.

Science and Engineering

The Science and Engineering Faculty teaches math, physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences, mechanics, computer science, and electronics classes. They offer these courses for bachelor’s and master’s degrees and students who want to keep learning.

Multidisciplinary bachelor’s degree

Sorbonne University is a leader in the field and offers many different courses in French that combine two subjects or give you two bachelor’s degrees at once.

Université Paris-Saclay

 Université Paris-Saclay is one of the best universities in Paris for Indian students

Université Paris-Saclay is south of Paris, stretching from Paris to Orsay, Evry, and Versailles. It’s in a great spot with a mix of science and other studies. It’s close to Paris and surrounded by nature, making it a top choice with a solid international reputation.

This university ranks #3 in Paris and #71 in QS World University Rankings 2024. This university offers 67 undergraduate programs and 165 postgraduate programs. The average tuition fee is 170 EUR/year.

Here are some of the bachelor programs that you can pursue at this university:

  • Applicable Foreign Languages
  • Landscaping: Design, Management, Maintenance
  • Protection and Enhancement of Historical and Cultural Heritage
  • Administration and Local Authority Professions
  • Economics and Management
  • Insurance Bank Finance: Account Manager
  • International Trade Professions
  • Management and Accounting Professions: Client Portfolio Manager in a Consultancy Firm
  • Management and Accounting Professions: Management Control
  • Automated Systems, Networks and Industrial Computing
  • Computer Networks and Telecommunications Professions
  • Computer Science
  • Construction Trades: Civil Engineering and Construction
  • Electricity and Energy Professions
  • Electronics Professions: Communication, Embedded Systems
  • Energy and Propulsion
  • IT Professions: Administration and Security of Systems and Networks
  • IT Professions: Software Design, Development and Testing
  • IT, Management
  • Industry Jobs: Industrial Production Management
  • Industry Professions: Aeronautical Industry
  • Industry Professions: Design of Industrial Products
  • Industry Professions: Mechatronics, Robotics
  • Instrumentation, Measurement and Quality Control Professions
  • Maintenance and Technology: Electronics, Instrumentation
  • Maintenance and Technology: Industrial Control
  • Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics and Health Industries: Management, Production And Development
  • Process Engineering And Industrial Bioprocesses
  • STAPS, Sciences for Engineers
  • Science and Technology
  • Sound and Image Techniques
  • Technical Sales
  • Bio-Industries and Biotechnologies
  • Chemistry, Life Sciences
  • IT, Life Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Mathematics, Life Sciences
  • Professional Optics
  • Quality, Hygiene, Safety, Health, Environment
  • STAPS-Adapted Physical Activity-Health
  • Analytical Chemistry, Control, Quality, Environment
  • Chemical Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Earth Sciences
  • Economics, Mathematics
  • Environmental Protection and Management Professions
  • Geosciences, Physics, Chemistry
  • IT, Mathematics
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Synthetic Chemistry
  • Communication Professions: Communication Officer
  • Economic and Social Administration
  • Fitness Professions
  • HRM Professions: Assistant
  • Law
  • Law, Economy
  • Law, IT
  • Law, Science and Innovation
  • STAPS-Education and Motricity
  • STAPS-Sports Management
  • STAPS-Sports Training
  • Sciences, Education, Mediation
  • Sociology

This university offers master’s programs in various fields that you can pursue at this university, 

The university offers three courses in Arts and Humanities, 11 in Business and Management, 37 in Engineering and Technology, 34 in Life Sciences and Medicine, 47 in Natural Sciences, and 33 in Social Sciences and Management.

If you want to apply to this university, you should have scored at least 72 on the TOEFL and a 5+ band on the IELTS. 

HEC Paris Business School

HEC Paris Business School

HEC Paris was started in 1881 by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It’s one of the top and oldest business schools in Europe.

HEC Paris offers many programs that cater to different interests and career plans. They offer Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees like MiM and MSc in International Finance, MBAs, EMBAs, and PhDs, and classes for working professionals.

HEC Paris ranks #9 in the QS WUR Ranking by Subject, offers 30 Postgraduate programs, and offers scholarships to help students finance their studies.

This university offers master’s and MBA courses in various disciplines. Here are some of the master’s courses:

Masters in Business and Management

  • Master in Management
  • Master in Management & Public Affairs – HEC, FU Berlin
  • Master in Strategic Management

Masters in Data

  • Double Degree Data & Finance X-HEC
  • MSc Data Science for Business École Polytechnique-HEC

Masters in Entrepreneurship and innovation

  • Master in Management & Innovation HEC – TUM
  • Master in Sustainability and Social Innovation
  • Master of Science X-HEC Entrepreneurs

Masters in Finance

  • Master in Accounting, Finance & Management
  • Master in Economics & Finance
  • Master in International Finance

Master’s in law

  • MS/LLM Droit et Management International
  • Master in Management & Business Law HEC – Paris 1

Masters in Marketing

  • Masters in Marketing

Masters in Media

  • MS/MSc in Media, Art and Creation

Program bachelor

  • BASc in Data, Society & Organisations

Summer school programs

  • Business & Climate Change
  • Corporate Finance
  • Entrepreneurship and Digital Innovation HEC–TUM
  • Fintech
  • Geopolitics, Globalization and Business Strategy
  • Investment Banking and International Finance
  • Luxury Hospitality Management
  • Luxury Management
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Sustainability Marketing

This university offers two types of MBA courses to International students: Executive MBA and Full-Time MBA.

Executive MBA

  • Executive MBA
  • TRIUM Global Executive MBA

Full-time MBA

  • HEC Paris MBA

Other good universities in Paris

There are many more famous universities in Paris to which you can apply to pursue your education abroad. Here are other renowned universities in Paris:

  • Sciences Po Paris: Famous for its top-notch teaching in social studies, especially politics and global studies. Sciences Po is a top choice if you’re into government, public rules, or world stuff.
  • École Polytechnique: An old and respected school known for engineering and science. It’s challenging and focuses a lot on new ideas. This could be your place if you want a complex and technical education.

Factors for Indian Students to Consider (Beyond Ranking)

Here are some essential things to think about when picking a university. In Paris, beyond just university rankings:

  • Programs Offered: Check if the university offers courses that match your interests and career plans. Research each university’s programs to ensure they match your needs.
  • Knowing French can be important for studying in Paris, but don’t worry if you need to be fluent. Many universities have programs taught in English. 

Check the language rules for the course you want to take. Also, consider if you wish to learn or improve your French while studying. Some schools have language classes or help for international students.

  • Cost and Scholarships: French public universities usually charge less tuition than schools in other European countries. Check the costs for your course and living in Paris. Look into scholarships from the university, the Indian government, or private groups to help with expenses.
  • Look into the different places to live close to or provided by the university. Consider things like price, where it is, and what kind of living you prefer, like dorms or apartments.
  • Look for internships or jobs the university offers, or find ones in Paris that match your studies.


In conclusion, looking for the “Best Universities in Paris for Indian Students,” places like PSL and Sorbonne are top choices with great histories and many subjects to study.

Other good options are Université Paris-Saclay and Sciences Po, each with its strengths in tech or politics. Indian students should consider the courses offered, language needs, costs, and student life to pick the best fit. To find your perfect match, research what matters most to you.

Ready to find your dream university in Paris? Start exploring these options and plan your future now!

34 thoughts on “Best Universities in Paris for Indian Students”

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    Founded in 2021, Darkweb quickly gained fame in the darknet community. It became known as a hub for the illegal trade of drugs, fake documents, hacking tools and even weapons. The site’s creators have designed it to emulate the user experience of major e-commerce platforms, making it accessible and convenient for everyone.

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